How to make an order on BudgetGadgets?
For people who are new on .
If this is the first time you check out our site, here are some steps about how to make an order.
After you found the product that you wanna buy, beside the product, there is an icon "add to cart" , click the button. Then a page of your cart contents will appear, shows the item name, color also amount in your cart. Now the page enables you to do the actions including " remove an item from your cart", "continue shopping ", and "Check out" , mainly these 3 actions. Just choose the one you want to do.
Here are two ways to check out, one is simply check out by logging in your account on our site (the check out icon is on the right bottom corner of the cart info ), the other is checking out by directly going to paypal page without logging in your account on BudgetGadgets(the paypal icon is below the first icon "check out" ). They are almost the same, both will finally go to the paypal page. Well if you log in to your budgetgadgets account, you may get some BG points to use in the future.
And by the way, you may encounter the question " how to choose the shipping method on budgetgadgets".
Someone may be confused, " they said free shipping, but why still there are shipping charges"? please don't misunderstand the shipping options, you can simply choose the last option, 0$ is ok. but We will a ppreciate if you will choose the 3$ more to pay for the post office tracking number.
There are 3 options, 3$, 2$, 0. The 3$ more option is for a tracking number. The 2$ is registered, but still no tracking number service (if the package gets lost, you can ask for a reshippment with this option), 0 is the most common shipping, not registered, no tracking number. But even 0$ option, please rest assured, usually almost all packages will arrive smoothly, few may get lost during the international shipping.
For people who are new on .
If this is the first time you check out our site, here are some steps about how to make an order.
After you found the product that you wanna buy, beside the product, there is an icon "add to cart" , click the button. Then a page of your cart contents will appear, shows the item name, color also amount in your cart. Now the page enables you to do the actions including " remove an item from your cart", "continue shopping ", and "Check out" , mainly these 3 actions. Just choose the one you want to do.
Here are two ways to check out, one is simply check out by logging in your account on our site (the check out icon is on the right bottom corner of the cart info ), the other is checking out by directly going to paypal page without logging in your account on BudgetGadgets(the paypal icon is below the first icon "check out" ). They are almost the same, both will finally go to the paypal page. Well if you log in to your budgetgadgets account, you may get some BG points to use in the future.
And by the way, you may encounter the question " how to choose the shipping method on budgetgadgets".
Someone may be confused, " they said free shipping, but why still there are shipping charges"? please don't misunderstand the shipping options, you can simply choose the last option, 0$ is ok. but We will a ppreciate if you will choose the 3$ more to pay for the post office tracking number.
There are 3 options, 3$, 2$, 0. The 3$ more option is for a tracking number. The 2$ is registered, but still no tracking number service (if the package gets lost, you can ask for a reshippment with this option), 0 is the most common shipping, not registered, no tracking number. But even 0$ option, please rest assured, usually almost all packages will arrive smoothly, few may get lost during the international shipping.
Last, don't worry even if you don't have a paypal account, we have set a paypal page where you can create your paypal account in minutes, of course, there are also the option who already have paypal account, pay directly is ok.
Below is a video about the steps to make an order on budgetgadgets.
So, this is how to make an order on
Thanks for reading.
Thanks for reading.
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